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Words We Say and Their Effects

Jul 26, 2024

4 min read




1. we get the government we deserve

2. get better friends

3. be the change you want to see

if any of these phrases evoke any sort of response, congrats! you are human. more human. humaner?

anyway, i say that because , well, i will share my journey with you.

all of the 3 phrases made me feel defensive or like they were a challenge two are simply phrases, one is actually a quote.

regarding the quote, there was a time i was feeling quite lonely for some attention from friends. i was hospitalized at the tine and i'd had a couple of visitors but i was surprised at how many of the friends i had at the time who didn't visit. i said as much to a vi s itor. a relative, who told me, " you need to find better friends."

ever filter free, that one. not a healing effect in the moment, although i have since found this harshly delivered advice useful, decades later. it was the first of these comments to set me off on this track.

as always, part of my daily routine is draghing media sourced fir inspiration and inform-ation about the human condition currently.

there is a lot of speak that conservatives generally, especially around a live mic, didn't say out loud publicly. in generations, because of selective editing. that they used to care enough about their words' effect to do. especially around a mic. really revealing stuff, things you always suspected were true. so pin that.

it is good to've been gifted all of the authenticity. the gift is that it's all out on display. it looks to me like the pols on the right, of whom i have never voted for anyway, are being exposed for kind of the reasons why.

of course, only a portion of the electoratewill even be aware of the legal proceedings and results as presented by the msm and a vast number of other sources. curiousity and interest in those are frowned upon. indications of sympathy for or acceptance of what can be found there is suspect.

you will be dogs and possibly driven off the grid completely and shunned out of the village. so to speak. all for simply not opining in the right way.

is proportionality no longer a thing? people have had to look at and listen to second amedment frothing and fervor and been subject to the kind of crap people have, exercising their first amendment right. the first amendment people don't seem to get the same kind of respect as the seconders. opinions don't kill and maim or they only maim when we allow them to. they're definitely nothing with the power to injure the way guns do when they're used to answer in the place of words. totes inappropes. that's just my opinion, don't shoot me.

that leaves the third remark and here i will move to the part with how they were and are challenging. i feel like it's unnessecery to explain the first two and it will soon be apparent why the third for many is true, no matter where they fall ideologically. some things penetrate the heaviest layer of remove, as will the truth of what has been and is said.


more and more especially since there are those people i mentioned. saying the quiet part out loud. by which i mean, things they know won't be well received in certain company. that used to be conventional wisdom; emphasis on wisdom. the thing you need to not say and do dumb shit.

things better left unsaid were that way because it was better to keep the unvarnished truth to yourself. why? because it would not be well accepted in the workplace the home and is just inhospitable. the one holding the opine knew it too.

it's just now occurred to me how lonely it must be to have those unpopular beliefs and be made to feel do wrong for it. feeling so, i don't know, bad or broken, because you believe in what you said. you do, only others don't share your feelings, don't understand the stomach for it. i imagine.

i can empathize with the feeling of isolation and even resentment, but i don't necessarily agree with the sentiment. it must suck to feel so alone. but they like it though, saying the hurtful words. they like saying them in the company of others who also get something out of hate speech.

we have a lot of categories but there's no need to single out any of it, it's all hate. whatever it looks like or sounds like, it's all hate. it's too bad that for many of us it's an answer and an anchor.

it's an eye opening study for me, i look at myself for what is the thing i grafted myself onto that hard. that i want only certain people to access and enjoy with me. i'm having trouble finding that and it pleases me to be able to say so.

there's a rise in people feeling fine flying their freak flags of awfulness. there's been implicit permission given to do so by a former "president." you know the one. my

opine; but not prohibition against it. as unpleasant as i find it, they have a right to their opinions.

people that want to use words and aggression and force, those kinds of self expression are different to me. the constitutional framework supporting their activity too. in the form of laws. something to remember.

ther's a reason some of the phrases i offered at the start can put us in a defensive posture and i also feel, like, challeged. that is the essential nature of speech, it is a vollying of ideas concepts and emotions. some can be hurtful and injurious, but they can all, despite being a challenge or something. we know we have to be ready them to be potentially damaging to us. on the bright side, we can eventually glean something useful from the exchange.

for me some things have been difficult to be dispassionate about and move away from but eventually the heightened emotional attachment simmers down and i can objectively view my own reaction.

it's harder for me to gauge another's motiva for stuff they've said. it's easier to find it within myself; the way to deal with my own understanding of what effect what was said had on me.

the goal is to do so positively and to bum no one out.

Jul 26, 2024

4 min read





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