the veil connections and us. how? why? delve that. if you're of a mind to, of course. we are, just within ourselves, many people. oh, what? you're not? i can see reactions like that. like, no way. that's nothing like me; i'm no head case! or other objection of the like.
there is a situation taking place online at one of the talker sites of the right. this isn't one that i watch from the source, i stick to clips. i have done and here's why. it's one of several and the type of show it is, they are tend to have wealthy backers. they support both talker shows and the hosts. who are there to loosely express the agenda of the silent partners.
the opinions of the sources of support do not align with mine and i cannot tell you whether the original espousers of them genuinely believe them. it might be a real mind ufck and they don't at all. but, it feels like to put them out into the cyber aether is a psychotrip being played upon the viewers and listeners simply to work the minds of their fans.
it just might play into the plans of such a person to create a certain atmosphere amongst a population happy to to create a certain atmosphere amongst a population to absorb what's pumped out, and not question the veracity of any of it. maybe they count on people they can bend in that way, because it serves them in some way that always results in profits for that type. profits over people, yay!
to come back to what i started saying, there's this platform like that and the goings on at the place, as per the reporting are, to use a technical term, all messed up. probably not in a way that the backers would prefer. allowing others then themselves to pervey their messages rather than doing it themselves, are not likely to be happy about it. it might not have mattered, as abusive and bizarre the atmosphere sounds, had it not escaped the building.
but, i digress. a little
the host is one of those that appear on camera armed and the gimmick is; conservative! first amendment! barefoot pregnant submissive women are right and good! maybe throw in some churchy stuff too. that kind of meat head ape man stuff. for men. grrr.
according to reporting none of that is real to the host. he's couching abusive behavior in their authority as lead male and boss. i called them an anachronism because in his studio it seems like he may be eldest or one of them in a crowd of millennials and who's followed after. they're so young and they seemed bemused by his behaves. slightly disturbed but cowed by the threats and advances. his employees? i don't understand why they stay. but hey, i am not in their shoes.
it seems to have taken a while to escape the studio and i had the thought that they endured it for a while before someone's limit was finally overpast.
this may be a ridiculous idea but i had it and it was this. despite what was going on they allowed it to go on with dubious tolerance. but they knew this guy was acting like bill o'reilly on crack. that there was something unaddressed going on inside to make him act out. that he needs help more than anything, but he went too far I guess. i'll allow that this is an imagining of mine, so it may have no basis in truth, grain of salt. it did make me think though, how woke of those young people.
to me that is a person in pain, the inappropriate one and boss. as if inside himself he's conflicting, with his other sides of himself. i know how i feel when i'm so unsettled about some inner turmoil that it effects my behavior, and it's not good if the beast gets free and starts causing problems. that was the point of relating so much about the guy, to illustrate an extreme case of venning.
now I'm diagnosing a disorder i named. haha, get over myself, haha.
as i took my nose and this guy was in my thoughts i went to refer to them as them. i scratched it out and replaced it with him, for continuity. it's a clear indication that i'd rather go with my impulse here. i mean, i am discussing my editing choices on it here. golly!
so yeah, the venning. we have the idea that we as individuals are so distant from one another. we aren't really, though. we really aren't, though. it's a bit of a mind bender (no pun intended) but we can create new pathways when going about opening up our minds. especially when it comes to facing ourselves and our burning secrets.
i, disagree. about the distance between us. to my mind there's a field around us, you might call it merkaba. that's our personal space vehicle. both boundary and vehicle, although we need we may need a quantum pilot's license to go anywhere. It's big too, like 8 ft out all the way around us. i speak of it as if it's real, because it is. just mostly undiscovered; more like.
guess what? when we get together they cross and blend momentarily and momentarily we're venning. "don't cross the streams!" too late! we already have. depending on our sensitivity we are walking around doing this all the time, most of us completely unaware until we're affected. isn't that nuts? we walk around barging into these things constantly, most of us numb to the contact.
made me think of how many dead people there might be just hanging around. sitting in the furniture, lining the walls, standing there. they got fields too and mostly? we don't even know. there's got to be mass venning going on there.
it's a thought.