from 10/23
in my last video, entitled, " a scorpion related card read, i touched upon many subjects as i meandered in my monologue. one of which was the idea of us creating spells without being cognizant of the fact it's what we're doing. therefore we aren't casting a spell.
what exactly do i or we think a spell is? what behavior do we think needs to be enacted to activate on purpose to assemble the elements that constitute casting a spell? there's a reason i posed the question, what do we think a spell even is? more or less, i'm paraphrasing myself here . chortle. i think it's fair to say in common culture spells and the casting of them is attached to the supernatural and not always in a positive light.
we automatically connect them to witches. the ones whose spells are used in a negative way . to use against whom or whatever, to get that already which belongs to an owner or in some way hasn't been earned. hey. i don't disagree with the assessment that when used in that way, yes, it is bad. or of unfortunate intent.
i'm saying, we tend to think that's what all a spell is. we can believe it's something we do against someone, as if it's auto evil.
which brings me to , what does doing look like?
the ones i've seen are usually constituted of the collecting of items and ingredients. these assembled items must undergo some type of prep, or may need to be done in a particular way, or order. certain conditions may be requisite to create the desired result. the caildron or pot or vessel may need to be constructed if a prescribed material.
it may be that a particular time, or season will yield the best most desired result for your spell. it may require a word to be spoken over or to the creation. it really depends upon what that desired result is, and that can be hella subjective.
minus some of the atmospherics and theatric, what does the act of preparing a spell remind you of? a recipe for a dish? it does me. what do people say? it was made with love. what does that look like or mean? that careful effort and time were also poured into making of the dish. slightly different techniques but are the intended out comes so different? not to me.
think of it, when we especially make a meal or a cake for an occasion, that is , in the inspired preparation with intent , it is the embodiment of spellcasting. yes, that word, bc the sharing. made just the way the intended likes; that special care. so close to love, that care is so powerful, imo. that the is the same as spell-ing.
which many of us have done it even as we harbor doubts and fears about it. even so, few of us burst into flame or experience extreme hardship because of it. am i right? we also make it in enough quantity for the sharing becsuse it's what's expected on tge occasion. does this in turn make us, we consumers complicit? in the spellcasting itself?as co-creators? maaaaybe? in a way?
a remider; this is opinion commentary.
that just goes to show that we maybe kinda wrong about spells and witches. it's that spells cast to help people out of poverty and pain don't get much airtime. ever.
i will submit that wishful thinking and prayer positive affirmations are spell adjacent, or variatals. just saying, but the more faith intention and even desire; whichever wsy we invest in something the better the chances are that that will help usher it into reality.
didja notice how many times i ssid spell, spelling bee? do i need to sprll it out or did i put a spell on you?
p.s. with, " if it bleeds it leads," being the primary driver behind what gets airtime on networks it is of course the good witches that get the short shrift. or their deedsjust don't get mentioned or recognized as such.
on the witching hour tee vee show. snicker.