we've been living in a world where what's yours isn't really yours. now you have to determine what's important.
watching how the wealthy and the ruling authority have become one. no matter how the wealth was acquired, by inheritance or through their own actual hard work, it seems that along the way they seem to lose their humanity. it's usually characterized as losing their connection to the rest of humanity.
the rest of humanity becomes these figures to be feared. a faceless mass threat to the collection of their material possessions, even their persons. they think we hate them for the wealth they've amassed and their ease of life. maybe some do, but to most it's not worth physically going after them. on occasion a disturbed individual or group will, or try to get physical. that's ill advised in my opinion. If this was the choice because an entity or an individual's actions in some way's affected them and their life directly, well, we've gotten a glimpse of what the last rope looked like for one of us.
one of us who's suffered while trying to receive treatment and running into resistance. because a privately run health insurance provider can choose to do so. as opposed to a national goverment health organization. the same people charged with maintaining our health, while at the same time denying the treatment to heal the illness or injury because it's cost effective. sure, a corporation doesn't require hospitalization. that kind of paradox can drive a person when mad and has been fatal to far too many of us.
it's a perception issue, or misperception. the one that's so prominent and troubling right now. that's how the powers that be treat us, as expendable. in order to preserve their own health and welfare, which is not under the type of threat they seem to fear.
the isolationist push to hem america in with itself because there's some race purity issue; oh, it's so hypocritical. they, the wealthy and even the just rich hate and separate from the homeless for example, but the poor in particular.
my feeling is, if you fear people coming after you, then don't crap on them. don't be the largest contributor to those people's ill condition.
you say there's not enough engineers to work until you drop for terrible pay and crap benefits only to enlarge fortunes is a sick ask. ha! no ask, demand. from people who won't allow time off to see to personal concerns nor provide proper medical coverage to get things treated when need be. while also not paying enough of a wage or salary to cover a medical emergency and everything else families need families and individuals require. hell, they find offence at even being asked. the disdain for the fellow humanity is, and i say this with no medical degrees on my part; some kind of psychopathy.
yet and still, they want our love and admiration. which feels absurd! and isn't it though? we so easily forget the part about living in a simulation, a vast rpg, where the object, the win, is often obscured. deliberately even perhaps. it is in terms of birth contracts but this is not that. this feels closer to aholery.
i feel like sometimes we're assembling a puzzle without the picture on the box for guidance. we have to trust our senses and by trial and error find the interlocking pieces that when they align properly, and assemble will resolve into a whole picture. a beautiful one usually, and a metaphor for us and the aforementioned.
i'm saying, any comparable metaphor can be applied here and it's fine because life plays out in so many formats and interfaces. if it didn't many of us seekers would never find what we need. too bad because what they've been looking for, while they'll still need to search, and find information, eventually what we find is the search leading us back to ourselves. amazing! what we seek after a bit of learning and experience can be found within ourselves. which once realized leads to whole new worlds of discovery.
looking at the world and seeing how the powerful influence is trying to reshape things, redefine reality to suit their needs and perhaps unwittingly as part of the agenda i've talked about, the luciferian one. that wants to disharmonize, confuse, and sicken. not talking about diseases and vaccines. those are more gameplay. more obfuscation between that point when we think to become a seeker, and when we start to see, that a lot of our world is not what it appears it is. it creates a very contrary world view that more and more requires us to be creative and adaptable. to become more pliant, in the sense that we can bend in the turbulent winds of change and the resistance to it. and when it's all over we return to form. like going to work at a job you'd rather not, but do so anyway, because current limited options. we do what we have to and as soon as it's over and done, the work day finished, we revert to ourselves. the real ones, work face removed. until necessity drives us to find another way. who knows, those conditions may have the capacity to spur game changing. think of it, an idea that would make your life easier, who wouldn't want that?
something that maybe would be shared and not be a product to be sold at an elevated rate for financial profit. one that instead makes life bearable after the job or that allows us an alternative to it. it may make the standing structure, which is old teetering and misanthropic for one that's filled with warmth and is giving. maybe change the paradigm of using people to enhance their own position while scorning and dumping contempt upon the same people. the ones who made it possible, by the way, by allowing their backs to be used as a walkway. an unfair exchange and that cheat mentality is not tenable. especially with all of the guns and availability to them. how anyone's surprised at the outcome escapes me. it is however, the reality. not willing to be ignored any longer.
i'd say it's a time for all of us to make choices. what kind of world do we want to live in? let's not forget, no one is here alone. self-made man is a misnomer, no one person builds an empire without help. obama got that part right when he said, "you didn't make this." it, whatever that looks like, was the result of all of us interlocking pieces. which it takes to create a full picture like on the box.