sandcastles and inception like sinkholes, sucking them away. the sandcastles remind me of childhood and the fun of creating the shapes that we could assign any story or location to. the odd shapes that didn't resemble any real structures that were dwellings for the briefest of reigns over grainy kingdoms. we, or i at least, thought nothing of the rapidity of the approach of destruction. no loss was really felt because you could quick dream up another again and populate it with a whole new story and background, before the next wave and new beginning.
in personal card reads i get for myself, pulled by someone else, i get over and over messages of new beginnings. the sandcastles, a nest of robin's eggs and such. change has been a common theme of my own and this suggests to me that it's a constant. images that are appearing in such rapid succession that it's like a motion picture to our perception. like things have been gaining speed, like time has. have you felt it? so the movie is like see it, clock it, and then start absorbing it, for the next set is coming and my goodness! what a time to be alive!
i mean, if we don't take what's going on personally, it's like being on one of those amusement park rides. where you get in a little car for one or two, on a track through props and exhibits and projections and the cacophony of music, narration and jump scares, blares of sound. to make you jump out of your skin, but the next thing is already underway and you're forced to place your attention there. i
t's literally a roller coaster ride, not one that flings us too hard like g-forces, but one that moves us emotionally, which can take a bit longer to recover from, because of physical shock wears off faster. because you know the next one is on the its way.
whatever the twists and turns, once the little car reaches the end of the ride it bursts through doors into light and haha, whew! that's over! so, it's a ride for one and all, with thrills and chills and the darkness always comes with shock and fear. only to be brought to an abrupt end when the light hits. we can then pull ourselves together and move on to the next fun attraction.
to be clear, i am feeling less and less worried about the future, because i'm looking at things and beginning to see things in a new light. that gives me me the comfort and confidence to bravely move on from things being scary to being as scary as a fun house ride. we know both will thrill , then end.