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The 5 of Pentacles

3 days ago

6 min read




the five of pentacles tarot card has been on my mind. there are always different interpretations when it comes to divination. broadly however, the card depicts are pretty clear jumping off point for divination. a ragged pair makes their way past the prosperous looking house of worship. almost went with church but that wasn't right. thought maybe temple but that wasn't it either. i had another couple of thoughts. like, what exactly is worshipped in the fine looking building? if one was to make a judgment based upon the buildings appearance alone one could make a couple of assessments. such as the repair, which is good. perhaps even new. money spent on a space only inhabited on a part-time basis. the exterior looks whole and bright, it's facade unblemished. the ragged pair of limping along outside barely glad and one clearly pained about some aspect of their condition. their expression haunted. they are shut out, they're shabbiness and indictment against them. the building mocking them and their presence in its proximity, this mocking exemplified by the stained glass window limbing above and behind their heads. it depicts a tree like structure laden with big pentacles at the ends of the branches growing from a central stalk or trunk.

the paupers walk on by the display, untouched and unnoticed. surely the inhabitants of the fine building with the light spilling out could spare a few alms for some shoes and a night's shelter from the snowy outdoors. a hot meal, a warm drink and a cozy and dry place to spend the night could be provided, but there's no sign of them.

the poor are on their way, regardless of the disregard. the psychopathy of the let 'em freeze, let 'em starve and let 'em work until they drop at jobs they themselves would never undertake, because let's face it, work hard labor? that's for the poors; it's what they are for. the idea that they should be well compensated for their efforts, that they should also enjoy some ease and nourishment from the fruits of their labor, is ludicrous apparently. they don't deserve it, because they are who they are. not high born, not worthy of value because of it.

an interesting position for the out of touch class who thinks misfortune is never coming their way. all of it can disappear in an incredibly rapid period when there's failure loss and suddenly the are sufferer becomes persona non grata, not welcome here.

here, in the place where bad things only happen to bad people. that designation from the perspective of the psychopathic wealthy class. psychotic for their lack of empathy. their almost deliberate defiance of it, as if it's a failing. as if not to care carries value on its own.

until the dominoes that comprise the wealth structure start tipping over. once the tumble begins the momentum is difficult to halt. nor do they want it to; it's entertaining. they love to kick someone when they're down. especially when it's one of their own.

i feel like now's the time to mention that my inside knowledge is complete conjecture. well, maybe it's slightly informed, but i am not of the class i'm opining on. i must be 100% on that.

to continue the imagined scenario, i know for sure that the people in question don't like to pay for stuff with their own money. i feel like they enjoy the misfortune of others, particularly when it's an uncomfortable and or tragic situation. however, i think it's even the sweeter when it's one of their own. i don't think there's much real affection between them and i think their ability to care has atrophied.

when it comes to the less fortunate, we, they are more inclined to assist one another, because we need help more often. so we help each other and it's a circle of reciprocation. the wealthy don't need help as desperately or often, as they can either help themselves, or they can access a network and wheel and deal in a way that shelters them from harm. the poor simply don't. that is to be ridiculed over.

i feel like they party, and I'm going mobile one that work and responsibility infrequently intruded upon. work for them isn't the same as for you or i, If we're poor, but it is the work that gets done and lines their pocket and fills the safes and offshore accounts.

it's kind of a horrifying time where the wealthy are openly displaying their feelings for the network of people and the systems run by them on the wealthy's behalf. which they are expected to perform without complaint or schedule flexibility or proper compensation.

how to conclude here? it isn't anything i can control or deflect, but i feel like the conditions being created as more of the wealthy class become electeds and control the welfare of the vast rest of us are steering us all onto a disastrous course. by lashing out and taking vengeance against the working class and the under the threshold of rich bracket. this makes no sense to me! they need those people, us. the same people whose years of labor has been taxed to specifically provide for our old age infirmity. these same monies the terrible wealthy now seem to feel entitled to.

as they evidently feel entitled to remove needed medical supplies, services and other forms of care from people who can't supply them for themselves. people differently abled or homeless or hungry or or or. the grossly wealthy don't care. your misfortune is their entertainment. their great delight.

these things couldn't be clearer today. in fact, it seems they like that the public is seeing their glee at finally being free to shit-talk their bread and buter. it's disgusting and they're loving it.

there's a smuggy little saying that's found popularity, fafo; fuck around and find out. it is possible that we'll all experience a variety of this. many of us have before it was popular. many of us haven't and have been insulated, but things change. disaster can and will find a way it can't be defied forever. see how quickly and easily trump has crashed a lot of the foundational structures here in usa.

people can only be pushed for so long until they can no longer. i've been calling it for a decade but it may be longer still, until all options have been exhausted. the fatigue has long since set in and yet we still have to be forced. to the point of no other option. what's needed is a willingness as a whole. the entire workforce must all agree to combine in a nationwide walkout. a grand scale, extended no-show of force.

rghts and privileges are under attack and being struck down or removed. sometimes it does take a house falling on the collective us to rouse us to action. unfortunately, we are not there yet. it seems more of us must experience hardship while those of us who remain unoffended still play the game. i feel the weight won't be long. the grossly with these unreasonable anger at their perceived opponents; the working class, seems to be accelerating by the day. to me it's calling for some reflection on their part not sure what all they're angry at, they're still rich aren't they?

makes me wonder if it's akin to the bizarre marginalized minority status envy. the weirdest fomo. another cutesy word, but check it. what i'm saying, it exists! i feel like i see it all the time.

see who takes on what that's cool? from whence did the hipness originate? let me hint you. when the rittenhouse kid had his walk on at the rnc a couple of years back, was the music classical, country or irish jig? it was not. it was very hip hoppy. i couldn't help but notice.

the blacks, (and full disclosure, i am one; amongst other things), can't do anything right for these people. except music, dance, slang and cultural style amongst many other things.

i'm saying, the wealthy, overbearing ruling class in their thirst to rule all, own all and control all is creating a usa on a descent. from a first world to a third world country. they are doing everything that will compound all of the things they seem to deeply dislike about the poors and their condition. it makes no freaking sense! what i can foresee is the control, the need for it is going to make the poors utilize the most devastating tactic in our passive arsenal. to stop showing up. to not be on hand to run all of the things that need to be run. a lot of threats can be leveled but the sting isn't there without enforcers to carry them out. how do you evict anyone if no one shows up to intimidate and physically remove. you see what i'm saying? even the things the wealthy count on can go by the wayside. the thing to keep in mind, for all of us is, there's more of us, the poors, than there are of them.

3 days ago

6 min read





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