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Some Thoughts on Impartialty and Judgement

Jul 24, 2024

6 min read




is it going to take robots to bring us together? i don't mean will there be a s8howdown between man and machine. what i mean is will they have to come in and start running things in this country?(usa) because we are sure too preoccupied with our own competitions and our looks and our possessions. the robots emulate us because all they have for a point of reference is us.

it is my hope that with all of their computing power and speed they will get to enlightenment before we humans do. by enlightenment i mean the idea, no; the truth, the fact that our capitalist way of life is cruel and mean. it has made us more so and we awready had that going on.

like, yeah! woo! we're pricks! we hate everyone, including ourselves. so we take it out on each other. instead of seeing that everyone and everything we hate and find fault with and discard and seperate from is really hitting out at ourselves.

why are we that way? there's not an easy or siccinct answer to that one, so let's save it for another day.

we are allowing ourselves to drift away from everything we call human. so uncaring of anyone and anything that in order to still capitalize, but not replenish the pond, so to speak, we take. may not be ours but we take because we can. clarence thomas. fairygodparents!! (liscensing issues, you get it)

to take all the fruits for oneself and stingily hoard so much to a single entity when the pond is an ecosystem , is to harm that ecosystem's health.

what that means is that everything living in the medium is is in some way dependent upon every other resident of the pond. when one takes more than their share and resists adding to the whole or plain old doesn't contribute to the ecosystem, guess the result? a cascade of illness due to starvation lack of nutrients and oxygen. a delicate balance upset leads to ruin.

they become the drain on society that constantly decries the role they play in the state of affairs and it's collapse. that was a metaphor in case you didn't feel the anvil hit your head.

however, it's not all grim. not at all. i find we often fail to notice right away when the inflation or recession ends or the peril from a natural disaster or pandemic has passed.

how bad are prices on gas and eggs if one has money to follow the trump train? to pay for gas lodging and eggs from denny's or the biggest truck stop planet or whatever. (it's come to my attention since the original publication of this piece that not only do some televised rally goers get paid some regulars are well off enough to go on their own dime and be jam band style lifers)

the least of us, and by least i mean specifically stature, may be our lifeline to sensibility. take a child, thry will not spare your feelings, and why should they? all they do is speak the truth about what they are seeing. it is better though, easier to hear, as long as they have not discovered malice.

of course those those things are costly, but you got to include the entire story in your telling or the credibility isn't.

by the least of us i also mean the least of means. the homeless population is who i mean. it is so heartbreaking that they are already past the dark night of the soul stage and live in the hearafter. at least, in the here and now. there is no more minful place to be.

i have been seriously overdosing on a certain type of hopeful programming. you could call it good samaritan or giving to the needy, or or sharing your plenty with someone who has less. the givers and the giving is so nice, but the best part is the reaction to the surprise gifts these down on their luck types receive.

my favorite earth angel usually asks his recipients a question. what is their biggest regret is one. or they ask for some form of financial help, in their clean expensive clothes, to find someone helpful to aid them in their ersatz time of need.

invariably, it's one of those people with so little and who lose it over and over again if they replace it who will give away their entire days'pitiful earnings right away to this stranger in need. when asked why they helped, they say something like, someone helped me so i should help you. or they say it's the way i'd like to be treated.

yet another simply rolls up and asks, what do you need? then he either retrieves it or takes them shopping or to pay a storage bill, buy petrol, groceries, pet supplies. he and his group supply people with backpacks filled with sundry items for men and women each. he's pretty cool.

this blows my mind and other vital organs because usu a lly the homeless are made to feel as if they're lower than low by their fellow humans. they, the passers by freely unload on those people, as if that's what they're there for. the homeless, they suffer constant disparagement and blame for their condition. i hear, they want to be there, they just want to drink and do drugs. well, i say let 'em. i can't say i wouldn't be tempted to and drug were i them. i hope i could resist the temptation because to be out of it would be unsafe.

i know to be eligible for some programs one can't be using. some shelters won't admit you. some people spend their time trying to come up with money for health and hygiene. or a safe place to sleep, stash their belongings.

police routinely relieve them of their possessions, i think to prevent them from creating a semblance of home anywhere.

the thing is, they might be panhandling because their child has a medicine that needs to be paid for . they might need tampons or bus fare or a new shirt for a job.

we don't know, not unless they say, but many of the rest of us will just look and assume.

i know someone who gets angry at this one man and sometimes he has his young family with him, as he plays music on the street for money because they "beg" one day. ( he'a not begging. he's performing and the wife collects. the child, very young one of whom must be held, are just there.) another day it was because he had new shoes and i wondered, do you think he should not have nice new stuff? like, because he was out there so because he was begging he should only buy old shabby stuff? i don't get this person's anger at his misfortune, at everyone living rough they see. it feels irrational.

it may be that if one wants to be eligible for services they can't be using. we home having types simply don't even consider what their lives might really be like. how difficult they are. like keeping your clothing and body clean.

imagine yourself with nothing but the clothes on your back. no money, no laundry room, because no home. what if there're kids? a spouse? they won't have the same stuff you don't. what if someone gets sick? remember, no money and no address. two of the things that make us legitimate in this world.

i think we can learn so much from the homeless population. courage, heart, tenacity. these people are to be truly admired in my opinion. they manage to maintain compassion, are empathetic and humble. i find myself wanting to emulate them more than any celebrity, at this point in my life. the celebrities don't measure up to the most see selfless of us.

as an alternative to the ai overlord or angry skynet terminator army running things, or even enlightened robots; dispassionate and never understanding human complexity. the robots will never "learn to" those things. i'm sure their emotionlessness will come in handy for all kinds of applications. maybe to replace judges and justices and other authorities, since we humans can't seem to muster the necessary impartiality.

i do think might we find someone who's wise. knows passion and turmoil. they who's seen both irrational hate, as well as love and concern , from people who care. someone who also knows they could be in the same spot one day.

with only the place where their buttocks rest upon until they are told by someone to move along. someone that knows they're telling it to someone with nowhere to go.

that someone is the type of person i want settling my disputes and judging my perps. a soul who's known life at it's extremities and emerged whole.

we have just got to be better role models for our robots.

Jul 24, 2024

6 min read





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