praying/manifesting, it's all the rage. the concept is vox popular. the object of the ask may take a while to arrive. when it does, oh happy day, right? when we think it's taking too long it becomes this spoiler energy.
this is a line of thought that really started in 1995. there are a lot of reasons that this wish did not come true, foremost being that it was to win the lottery. that is not what spirit is likely to grant and i guess it's because it's gambling. that is the sense that i and others have come to the conclusion we had after prior discussion on where everyone stood on the matter. when the question came up nearly everyone i polled felt the same, that it wasn't gonna to happen and wasn't proper to ask for.
the thing is, i wanted to split the difference and give it a just in case try. for a solid year i bought lottery tickets and prayed to win every night.
in retro and after gaining some wisdom, i see how bad a choice it was. the silence from intuition and lack of wins are to have told me everything i needed to know; that it was a waste of time and money. eventually, at the year and money i gave up even trying to win, no more buying tickets. things have changed with me as a person since. passage of time has a way of doing that. we grow change fail and learn from our mistakes.
i came to reflect on the fact that people do indeed win with every intention to do so. i wondered why i hadn't. i had the same motivation basically, i wanted to free myself up from the grind of working for a living. i made choices and one was not to pursue a trad career path. the whole university experience held lower for me nor did becoming a doctor or lawyer or any of the vast number of career ambitions to devote most of a lifetime to.
i wanted to keep doing whatever halfway decent gig i could stomach working in retail or delivery, warehouse or stock type jobs where i could go hide in and earn. the less public interaction the better. i planned to donate most of it, maybe set up some type of community help in my area for people being priced out of living where they work, and keep what i can live out my days on.
i have since discovered that sometimes the things simply isn't in the cards for reasons beyond our control. even the cognizance of why things happen to us remains hidden for certain events to occur and set things in motion that aren't necessarily directly related to you and your need to know. we don't need to. know.
we can do what i did to deflect the thing we want, by hammering at the ask. once is enough, according to a channeled message from the arcturians, if we're tuned into their energy and convey our wishes to them then they will move to make that wish happen.
they do caution that are energy needs to be as high as we can raise it for as long as possible and it isn't sacrilegious for people who fear that kind of thing, they are part of the angelic realm. this may come as a surprise, but if you can believe in biblical stories with all the saints angels and miracles, insane violence and plain old bat crap craziness, is it such a stretch that aliens could have also been created by god too? or that further, despite any differences between they and humans, that they live their lives not so differently from ours? families, and occupations, love and death and birth?
i think we can get over ourselves and think of fractals. the repetition and variety of life here on earth makes me think there'd be other examples the same on other planets. same template with some tweaks on the planets and the life forms living there.
not to go too far afield, what the arcturians say is not to doubt your prayer would be answered or give up after not getting what you want by, like, now!!
why, why, why! that attitude, although it wasn't actually mine, would certainly create enough resistance to passive receptivity to cause your gift to be repelled from you. i felt like, that wasn't the way to go, asking the way i did. given what's happened since, that one trope really happened, (or hasn't) to me. the one that says the thing you want to come to you will; when you're ready. but it may well look nothing like the way we envisioned it to. in fact in, in my case, many sacrifices were made and twists and turns did occur. It all finally makes a kind of sense in retro. now i'm better equipped to appreciate those events in the light i can today.
i came to a nutshell conclusion, the arturians can help if you ask, it's their jam. they even know what we want without us telling them. once we connect with them or any other people there's an exchange that takes place. they communicate telepathically, so once we engage, they're in. they may be able to be somewhat anyway. they say they connect with all of us who align with their energy once we sleep. that's a big area of explanation I'm not tackling, if one wants to know more they'll find their way there.
we can aid in the process, to draw ourselves toward what we want. that we can do. this may ease the process in concert with the greater forces guiding things. we can align with receptivity, gratitude and paaaaatience. we get impatient, we lose faith and that's like the wrong end of a magnet trying to stick to another.
the law of attraction is not the deal and and all of divine law. there are others that deal with other beneficial matters in life. of living life in such a way that it becomes a relationship with our surroundings. when we focus on not ourselves, life opens up in those things we wanted that seemed out of reach find their way to us. after we pay less attention to the me and more on the we.
originally published 9/29/23