ruling authority, heads all up in that testy teste (heavy) handed old testament. it's very masculine. the new one too jesusy. i heard someone say too jesusy the way some say soy boi. as if he failed. i don't think he did.
however, i defy anyone to explain where in anything he said that relates to his crucifixion and that saving us. us? who? so called sinners? no, don't believe so. more like the influence of man, heavy handing the quill. i see it as this at least; the crucifixion served to show that we missed his message entirely. i feel like if anything, the message he had can save us as much today as it was meant to for the people around when he was saying it.
the saving was for us to do of ourselves. then too, as he and the disciples who actually got it, did what he was saying. they administered it by both spreading the word and by living in his example.
you'd think the violence being perpetrated by the mob of angry people including jews; his own people wasn't part of the message, but i feel like it is. for me, the lesson there was how is that saving me from anything? if there is one on the subject it's escaped me. explain it to me as if i'm 5 years old. really dumb it down for me.
that, why father why have you forsaken me? remark? again, i feel like the hand of man is all over that. as far as god the father, he or it and jesus knows, there was no forsaking.
being predetermined, none of what happened would have been unexpected. on the other side of the veil, events are and will have already happened. the thing with timeline potentials is that they're subject to free will. they knew when jesus asked to come and show us everything we are, as much as he was. what we, most of us, don't remember. the potential we have to be. there's no blame to appropriately be had. all roads lead to the same place. eventually we tire of the things of the fear column of our polarity and basically the world today. Fear, anger, hate, greed, envy, lust, vengeance, loss. the catalog of how fear manifests is big. that conditioning and programming instituted for generations has us thinking it's the right way to be. i disagree. when i think of the ways they all make us, fear sounds more like a no-go. completely goodless. habits are so hard to break aren't they?
i'm wondering what the difficulty level of moving all of that co-opted energy is, to wrest it free from the fear column and raise our vibes. to be able to float on over to the column of love .
to where i feel like the shepherd was trying to lead. even the shepherd motif feels out of place and confusing. are we sheep that must be led and told commandments? god didn't endow us all with enough sense to know when we afflict pain that it'll hurt? or that the taking of lives and anything else improperly is wrong? doesn't that seem suspect to you?
i feel like the times haven't changed much, from then to now. it still takes only a few endowed with a specialness i find a touch unbelievable. they appear to suffer the same maladies and personality quirks of everyone else only with added privilege, and all of the no one telling them no. placing the them on top of pyramid that still requires a hoard of other people to build the dreams of an ascending in authority hierarchy of riches. unearned except by proxy. they told people they had to do the hard work and do it to give enki and enlil all of the gold.
seen through an historical overlap of with biblical scholarship, the world is murky but how have we so missed the point? when the story's been retold in every imaginable format for centuries? not absolutely of course, nothing ever is uniform. each version takes on a regional quality with the base elements showing up as repetition. but having said all of that, wake up indeed.
on that note, i want to finish my remarks with an observation. there's a youtube channel called just knate, from a guy located in the american southwest. nevada, arizona area, who's taken it upon himself to minister to the homeless thereabouts. at first on his own dime and now through the donations of his followers, he can do wso much more. he's an inspiration to all of us, showing that one person's contribution alone can become so much more. more than we can imagine. in contrast, there's the hallow app that allows you to pay it to pray with you or something? okaaaaay, it's your money. for me that is expressly not wjwd. is it i who's got the old testament attitude? it my o, end of story.
just saying. only because now seems like, to all appearances the time to pick a side on just this type of choice in life. are we giving and receiving redemption ( not wild about the programming of needing any) by trading in love? or does paying for celebrity sponsored salvation sound like the way for you? any way that's the way you want to go is the right one for you. everyone gets to make the choice for themselves, and truly? we can't do it wrong. we aren't necessarily on the same path and can't necessarily see what's yet to transpire, i can't really on my own path.
so, i have to keep that and a million other things in mind along the way and if one's contributions don't all hail from the fear column then great! that's the way i'd like to head out into each and every day with the intention to avoid things living the fear column seeking to draw me in.