i saw a spoked wheel in the clouds yesterday and i really noticed it for some reason. it looked like a wagon wheel, a covered wagon wheel. i had some synchronous wheel stuff come up a bit before hand too, maybe a week ago.
i had this dream and a fragment is what I recall most strongly. it felt like it was night time outdoors is where i was. some place unfamiliar. all around me were luminescent orbs of different sizes. amongst them were cottonwood fluffs, also floating all around me. those are quite familiar in my waking environment. i think they're seed pods. they look like that spoked wheel shape too, although I think their structure is closer to a pom pom in form, but because the spokes or spikes appear as a flatter 2D shape due to the gap spacing them so far apart. we see them from the one side facing us, not the entirety of all its sides. they've been on the air where i live since june, a good 4 months ahead of the time they ought to be. i suppose it's due to the confusing temperatures incurred by climate change and i do recall noting when awake, the way the fluffs looked. at the time it didn't seem important.
earlier that day in a show i watched, that was completely unrelated, another wheel showed up. above the action in a hallway as the characters traveled along it the camera captured one of those wagon wheel light fixtures. seemed meaningful.
it's interesting the way importance as relates to this object has impressed itself upon me. after so many sightings of it i finally looked up the meaning of a spoked wheel spiritually. that was the right thing to do.
it spoke of spokes maintaining the shape's integrity, as long as each spoke kept its place at its particular angle. should any weaken or be lost the rest would be under strain to do their normal work, on top of the added unaccustomed stress of compensating for what the weakness or loss can no longer contain. putting the whole structure under more strain and potentially worse damage than if the wheel were whole and intact.
the first article that came up when i searched talked about the spokes representing value and specifically our own value. in particular, how we value ourselves. how our treatment of our bodies and minds have a real effect on how well we can perform as spokes with all of the rest of the spoke collective. as long as all parts are able to perform their roles efficiently the wheel can roll indefinitely. that seemed a pretty pat little message.
if we do the upkeep with the help of each other, all parts are supported by the whole.
i wondered why this particular message? not that it's out of character for me to be thinking of the human collective. the particular metaphor of the wheel and the spokes as a support system which also tracks. this left me still wondering.
then i got one of those flashes of lucidity. i need to continue in the same vein. to keep on finding ways to keep up the conversation about we people understanding how essential we are to the health and continuing life of each other.
i suppose i feel a sense of urgency to keep presenting the case while a lot of precisely aimed influence and anti people sentiment is in constant opposition.
we have an easier time with ways to be terrible to and for each other. my hope is that staying hatified will become more and more difficult to maintain. especially as more and more love and light keeps coming from the heavens in the form of waves. waves science has long identified. gamma, solar and more.
the love and light comes from the angelic realm and races from other worlds in the heavens. planets and more, all created by the one source, the creator of all.
does the love and light comprise the waves or ride them? no matter. the important thing is that they do what they do to us. it may surprise you that while i'm not disputing the fact that in some ways there are harmful elements caused by them. like interruptions of communications and media services. even we are affected. the lesser known effects are the stimulation and unlocking of certain more empathetic impulses within us. commomnly referred to as upgrades and activations.
it's subtle, but it's working on us, because there are so many amongst e.t. races that want to see us overcome our barbarism toward each other. oh, and ourselves. they know where all of the hostility can lead. they want to see us succeed. what would that success look like? i think the gun thing we have is hard for them to comprehend. just the general need to answer all of the puzzles we have that end up being problems that lead to hostilities. that there are better ways than giving up negotiating or straight to violence. more. that kind of thing, and that we think every e.t. approach is the start of an invasion and we shoot at them.
maybe we stop those behaviors and it will feel safe enough for them to openly come meet us. we, i don't think, consider those things. in fact, there's quite a lot of evidence to support the fact that they have not been trying to hurt us. there's more to show our tendency to shoot without finding out any information first.
the biggest proof for me that there'll be no invasion is, what are they waiting for? they could have done it at any time in human history, because there's certainly evidence of things in the sky that people are pointing at in art going, what in the world is that?
i'm saying, there's evidence that they've been here like the whole time we have essentially. so again, if they're gonna invade us, what are they waiting for? i don't think that's the plan, because they could have done it many times over the millennia of human existence and they didn't.
we are all participants in each other's lives, directly or peripherally. the karmas we all live out, we don't do it alone. every person in our lives is a contributor.
when we can appreciate our interconnectedness and have some appreciation for each other, it may be that that will entice the e.t. to finally come near and communicate with us openly. we have a lot to learn. they have a lot to teach us.