i think this may be integration. all of the against that feels so fraught right now.
okay, starting with a thanksgiving video of hasan and off putting cenk. not cozy, not familial, even though the two are related. adversarial, and who can digest to that whole thing? the right wing, x and blue sky. yoon in south korea and other trump imitators. the coup and then fall of the coup, repelled and slapped down within hours there. wtf? is trump the subconscious/soul of the right? their license to ill?
i did see some stats that i now see could indeed be concerning for people new to being outnumbered by the opposition. parenthetically, the perceived opposition. being a race myself, and a woman and a punk/rocker sensibility chick type person, i'm not sure which personal attribute earns the most ill will, but it's in there.
what was undeniably evident in the stats, illustrated in colorful charts and graphs, is the colorization of american society.
it does look as if mixed racing has exploded upon the population. sh! contextually, I know, but I'm not doing that right now.
the introduction of immigrants and the inevitable matches that occur literally are or have been changing the complexion of the u.s. as the blending further saturates, someone's going to be the mi-noooor-it-eee!
it looks like some fear-based regrets about the past and sudden self awareness about who's benefiting from it and how it's looked historically are surfacing. i don't think anyone has to make accusations about what has been and still is the still prevalent attitude of a paler shade of folk, next to the current minorities, of color.
now they're seeming, some of them, to fear the same sorts of things coming their way. speaking for myself, i doubt we dos, descendants of slaves, probably for the most part, want to reinstate any of that madness. regardless of who might find themselves in the way of the lash for instance.
or even of that thing of separating spouses and their children by those with zero consideration for the pain felt by these families. who'd already gone through so much. being forcibly removed from their homeland, then their loves. about all they had to call their own as owned people.
then a hundo or two years later, under a previous president, at the time of this writing, who did much of the same to migrants at the u.s. southern border. i'm sensing a pattern. are you too?
there's little to suggest that the diminishing presence of white people is going to change their status anytime soon. i doubt they'll be widely hunted for revenge or fun. only by a minority, no pun.
i'm not saying there won't be vocal ridicule and derision or even stuff thrown at them. the biggest shock may be that no one will listening (obeying) to them anymore. not the way the now minority does while they're still the authority. i assume they won't have to be in fear of existing while black or female or trans. to see what it's like to automatically be guilty upon sight when you are not, and you have never been any kind of perp.
i'm saying, i can see, as now can you, the way a look at the changing reality that an increase of people of color is directly affecting society. i see why it that's inspired flights of fancy, and fear.
to me this is irrational fear, because the appetite for retaliation for slavery or even reparations is just not that big or loud.
personally, i feel like if reparations are going out then the indigenous of north america are ahead of the dos, descendants of slaves, for any of that in this country. they have had many more unrighted wrongs done to them than african americans. many of us live better lives than that particular one of the lower classes.
my opine is biased too, bc yes, i do claim a fraction of choctaw heritage myself and i know my quality of life and access to resources far exceeds that of some that live on reservations, reserves or land that the givers had little expectation of being fruitful in advance. maybe it was the first instance of warehousing on these shores. put the people we have no use for on land that's considered useless. done and done. now no one has to think about them again. i imagine was the thinking.
my imagination tried to run away with me again but i won't allow it because this is real talk. the u.s. has played the indigenous for fools, reneging on treaties and making other bad faith acts. in the name of said faith, by the way.
for god's sake, don't say it in front of the white kids, it'll make them feel bad?! wtf is that?! hi, what about all of us races having had to sit and listen to all of it in class for generations? what about our being made to feel bad? our being made to feel the pain and Injustice of being told this to us by white people. like a taunt. god forbid we should have an emotion for the historical treatment of people of color and other oppressed communities that are minorities at the same time too!
that makes no sense, never has and at this juncture, i say fuck the upper hand. it does make me kind of angry and it gives me the idea that some penalties need to be imposed. not by me, but to hear this wheedling whining about kids that can't stand the harshness of the history that culminates in today? cry me, us, a river. are you kidding me?! let me take a beat to breathe, so i can calmly say; omg, you wusses! people like me have had to take it and then hear justification for it for centuries and still are. nut up, snowflakes.