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A Miranda Lambert Concert and the Flaws of Entitlement.

Oct 23, 2024

5 min read




i was watching tmz and one of the topics was about a group of women attending a miranda lambert concert that decided to stand and take selfies. they stood with their backs to the performer so they could capture her in their photo as if they wanted it to appear they were part of the act. In the process they blocked the view of other concert goers and, as one of the tmz producers pointed out, the seats of both the disruptors and those in the seats behind them paid a pretty penny for the privilege. I will add that that that seem to give these women the idea that it was okay to block views and irritate the performer.

i was i was surprised to hear that a lot of the cast/staff at tmz seem to feel like having made the big purchase, they were entitled to treat the shared experience like a bar/bat mitzvah or a private appearance. the truth is, it was a large venue with others who paid their money too, and lambert, oh my gosh, who's there to both do a job and her passion, and has this lady gaggle during her back on her. putting on their own show. rude.

no one was there to see these likely tipsy karen's making a spectacle of themselves when everyone else paid to see, excuse me but, not those bitches. selfish bitches.

i'm not a fan of ms lambert, but from the size of the rooms she plays, i'm guessing she's really good at what she does. the inconsiderates'd have to pay people to fill up a venue to come see them.

i'm saying, they have no public profile, no one knows who they are. except now they're known for this. they were so self starbstruck, you know, minus the star part. but they seemed oblivious to the fact that no one had come there to see them.

i guess now it's time to notice that there's a significance to karen's because they keep winding up in my consciousness for example, i saw a tweet stating that americans were the parents of britain. i replied that I've read that the karens in spain are the brits and someone else chimed in to say the brits are the americans of europe, which, funny!

so, for some reason that's the kind of entitlement that earns one the karen moniker. it raises up the commonality they seem to share. that how, they give off a feeling of aggression and entitlement, a belittlement of others. my curiosity can't be denied about the way they're already emotionally cranked up to 11 before they imprint upon the person or product they end up launching their rampage upon.

it's a loss of control when they let all of their enemies roll out of their mouths. so angry at people and things that they don't like about them. acting like they're some kind of savior to unsuspecting strangers, from all of these things they claim to be against, but i don't believe them. i don't buy a word of it. that that is what they're truly upset about.

i think it's a front and they're trying to pass it off as not with what's really ignited their anger. the what it is that drives them to go off on strangers and stock in stores. i do have some thoughts on what i feel like the reality is and i bet you do too.

it's all kind of out there, smeared all over their faces. the things that trigger their lashing out that are taking note of. the people or things they decide to pick on. or, or, or. it seems like once they get rolling, it's hard to stop. them people got a lot of issues they got a problem with, when to me it looks like something else is bothering them

i believe they attack people and things, because they see something represented there that they hate about themselves. which they then project right onto those objects and persons unfortunate enough to be standing in their way when they unleash their anger.

the karen way is to be angry and aggrieved while sad at the same time, and insecure. for some reason the anger disappointment and resentment they've been saving up, and won't allow themselves to feel and process internally must then erupt from them, having nowhere else to go. it's not right, but that's how it goes. this means the responsibility for their actions, the verbal abuse they flick inflict upon others isn't being addressed when they go psycho, and that's just not healthy. they toss it at others out of fear and low consciousness, imo.

i can relate, a little, to that state of mind, when we are comparing ourselves to others we idealize. however, this is the quickest way to start finding things wrong with ourselves. we are our own harshest critic and we can torture ourselves exquisitely with the useless pursuit of trying to emulate or even be that someone else we know of.

down that road lies madness. the madness of not focusing on our own strengths and trying to metaphorically jump into somebody else's skin. it's a no-win game if our obsession is so deep we want to be other people and usurp them from their own existence. i can see how that road lead to dissonance and strained connections, because would you not be creeped out by someone eerily mimicking you, and hanging around you?

let's face it, that's a little crazy. what can a person do? just replace a whole person? what about the person in question? what about their role in this daydream? how they feel? they really get no role in the decision making of our imagined obsessive, except to feel weird. this is a metaphor. which is good, because no one wants to be the main character in a single nut case admirer situation.

i'm paraphrasing the title of the 1992 suspense thriller, "single white female", that starred bridget fonda as a young woman that takes in a roommate who grows crazy obsessive and dangerous as she tries to become the other woman. in just the way i've been hypothesizing. jennifer jason leigh played the role so well you put me off for years. It's a fucked up sign of how great i think she is, to've affected me so, by the way.

okay i went all over the map with this, but there's a point. i had to learn, be told the dangers of comparison, even though i knew indulging in it makes me feel like shit eventually. i still needed to be led away from it by the hand like a dim-witted toddler before i could realize the pitfalls of indulging in it. it certainly has nothing to do with the poor other person, who our maladjusted person wants to be.

that's it, except to say, don't do that. but that's a suggestion for a condition we can be offered all kinds of treatment for, but can only be overcome by we ourselves when we make the decision to.

speaking of, this is me speculating on what drives the angry karen's and their male counterparts, whatever you call them, dicks? i can only refer a reader to what i already said and the anger pain and aggression. that's what the countenance of a karen seems to be saying what they're feeling when they're in the throes of an attack of the karens. haha, that's what a plurality of them can be called, an attack. an attack of karens; they're doing them and suffering from them.

it's this whole vibe of i can just do whatever i want because i deserve to (ha!) and also i have no regard for anybody else unless they are of some kind of advantage or benefit to me. like those women at the miranda lambert concert they were just like everyone else is just a role player in my movie. which, rude, selfish.

now that was a "weave"

Oct 23, 2024

5 min read





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