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3 Days of Darkness

Dec 26, 2024

6 min read




3 days of darkness, if that's a phrase you're familiar with you may have been waiting a number of years, in perhaps fearful anticipation for the event to occur. for me, and i feel like everyone who as i mentioned have been waiting, maybe for even longer, some for sure is ready for it. i wondered for a long time if it would manifest as an eclipse situation. as time's passed though, i 've followed threads and bread crumbs to more and deeper understanding, a fuller knowledge of symbology. with an already developed skepticism and curiosity, locked doors of perception i sensed or inconsistencies seen indicated there was more there than meets the eye. t hat there was more there then was being shared. obscured by sources you were led to believe were impeccable and reliable and authentic; when that is the furthest thing from the truth.

some truth more so than others. the ones so extra highly guarded because they, the withholders don't want to share. why? why would that be? because they would then lose the advantage. what now? you may be saying to yourself, or, maybe you're not. maybe you too have noted the way the chips fall for some of us. we who are living very abundant lives and in comparison, you're wondering why they won't fall that way for you. try as we might, following all over the rules and doing all of the right things and yet still feeling like we aren't doing as well. you would not be blamed for thinking there was some unfairness at play and you would be right.

there are ways people use esoteric and occulted teachings and all of these other types of techniques to improve their health and businesses, that the common folk amongst us don't have access to. it's a deliberate act designed to keep people in the dark, why? to get over on everyone else, the competition.

i see that attitude as problematic. it's an artificially created imbalance and it's against the natural progression. of what? everything you wouldn't think was connected. but everything is, connected.

the reason these secrets of success health and welfare are kept from the rest of us is really no mystery. they that can, learn and use this knowledge to their own advantage, however that looks. like money, fame and influence they simply don't want to share.

i remember once i saw embedded inside of a channeled Q&A on the subject of the 3 days. when asked about the nature of the three days, how would it look and feel. the channelled being commander ashtar of the galactic federation. a *pleidian, by the way answered. they said the three days of darkness maybe three days or more days. at that point i'd added more to my own spiritual education and it led me to understand that the three days were. no need to expect the sun to go dark or for stars to fall from the sky. nor is it necessary to be as fearful as medieval people, now that we have meteorologists. the darkness is the now the time we're living.

it had occurred to me that we were likely talking about a completely other experience. i had all of these pieces of darkness and i have held back on sharing them and my thoughts on them. such as topics that people run from, which includes a dash away from me. hurttful. hey, don't kill the messenger, surely you've heard that one. don't imply the messenger is negative because the message is less than sunny. on that note.

on that note, i find myself seeing darkness, things often right before us that we run from or rush to dispel. without waiting for the benefit of learning if there wasn't something of value to be learned from it. not fully engaging with it, but informing ourselves on the nature of it. we can know about the thing and not be negatively affected by it. forewarned is forearmed.

what am I seeing? same things as you, only In a different light and that may well have to do with the way we each interface with so called evil people and the evil systems. there are always what we define as evil people and dishonest institutions that on their face, of course, project an entirely false identity. sometimes for every positive look there's a corresponding opposite one, and it's like, laughing at us. at anyone foolish enough to believe in the fakery and not question anything and everything coming under their eyes and ears for it. if we don't, it's on us. even as they, "smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place," or your money or your land or your woman or your children. even yourself. they laugh, these wicked ones, i imagine, each time we get them wrong. thinking the smiles are sincere and that the help doesn't come with strings. the presence of which we miss it times.

hell, even though it may seem uncaring and cold, i laugh when i see one finally trip and fall face first into their own misfortune. i mean, it's not my doing,it's balance, snapping back.

there are, have been and, will be many to come that will continue to cause an involuntary bark of laughter to emit from my mouth. it may seem wrong to laugh at these people, this loosely connected grouping of prominent people, all of whom with some sort of wide reaching influence or control. not to mention an appetite for cash and material gain.

once they experience an influx of these something changes and changes them. to maintain their status, there seems must be a submission and or sacrifice to maintain the coveted position. i feel like the obsession for and single-minded drive toward these goals acts like a substance dependency; addiction. they're overcome by it. most notable about us when we pursue and arrive triumphantly at our goal, we find ourselves trapped yet again by a predatory structure. one that will maintain an overseer type of authority over us. the ownership of your world, your life, family and so on, are then shown to you as things with which to be controlled and lost. there's always a bigger fish. this i feel is the trap. we have examples all the time to show and tell us this. we still don't see it sometimes and so fall victim to it. as a lesson to be learned by everyone involved, perp and perpetrator alike.

i get with frequency a vision of the u.s. as a giant beast. some supine bovine being pecked at by carrion birds as other countries. brics ones especially, but not exclusively. individuals too, have come here for a better life as the term,"land of opportunity" implies there is something to be gained by coming here and achieving your american dream. however, prone moaning and peppered with holes i saw no leakage. no sign of our country's vitality b leeding out. yet. i feel like soon, we the beast, will gain the clarity to discern the fact that perhaps our foreign friends don't always have the continued success of usa front of mind. some nations and people may will not be so enchanted by usa's razzle dazzle. we have to think on that too.

think of vegas, happily accepting its moniker of sin city and an abominable history. thanks to the parties that created its origin, that behind the bright lights and flash, celebrity and the vast selection of activities and entertainment distract from it. thinly overlaid on it's dark side. no different from any modern north american town or big city. there are always figures and citizens good bad evil and ugly. always looking to lure and then trap and drain us of our resources. the bad ones, that is. from the good, lighter ones of us, we can expect something else; but the darkness?the forces of evil? that's also us. that's why we can't or really shouldn't try to evade mere awareness of these admittedly uncomfortable things. even scary people and things. we need to know so we can't be caught unawares. that's how we get got, by plugging over our ears and covering our eyes to such. that way makes it dangerous in just the way we feared.

we can take hope in the fact that the occulted knowledge kept from us, the masses so diligently and for so long, once known would level the playing field. it's making itself known to make things fair and even so we can all be in possession of the keys to health wealth and happiness. i independent strong and no longer bait.

Dec 26, 2024

6 min read





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